Safety Switch & Surge Protection Melbourne
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Surge Protectors
Installation, Repair & Maintenance
Surge protectors are designed to protect your electronics from damages caused by sudden power surges. These devices obstruct any excess electric current passing through the circuits and divert the energy into the ground.
Whether you need help with new installation or repairing your old, damaged surge protectors, we are ready to help protecting your electrical system with our surge protector installation and repair services. Our electricians have all the essential tools to inspect, diagnose, repair, replace and install the surge protectors as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Safety Switches
Installation, Repair & Maintenance
Since 1991, installing safety switches has become compulsory in all new built homes in Victoria. It is also necessary to install a safety switch in any home when a new lighting fixture or power outlet is installed.
Unlike surge protectors, safety switches work in a different way. They monitor the flow of electricity and shut down the electricity supply quickly when any current leak from wiring, electrical appliances or faulty switches are detected. By this way, it protects you and your family from the electrocution. If you want to stay away from the risk of being electrocuted, you can rely on us for safety switch installation, repair and maintenance needs.
When you invest in whole home surge protectors and safety switches, you can have peace of mind, knowing that all your expensive electronic goods as well as your family will remain safe from power surges and voltage fluctuations. For any help with choosing, installing and repairing your surge protectors and safety switches, feel free to call and schedule an appointment with us today.